At the writing table we're continuing our "Alphabet soup". Students put magnetic letters together to make words and wrote them on sticky notes.
M.C found the word "reading" in our reading centre and copied the word using letters!

The Geosafari camera is a popular choice during centre time and we've heard students saying "That's good learning" and taking a photo of what their peers are doing.
We talked this afternoon about how to take good videos and pictures. Hopefully the students can become classroom reporters and take photos for our blog!

Here I.I and I.V are drawing pictures in the same style as Leo Leonni by using crayons. G.D thought it would be neat to put the pictures together in our own class book!
There was a lot of experimenting with materials going on at the art table today! The students were excited by the addition of glitter glue!
A.K drew an underwater picture using pastels and told us how sharks camouflage to hide from their prey!
Speaking of camouflage...our fish were doing a good job of hiding today! A.I said the black fish was hiding on the rock.
J.M wrote that she thought "the fish were a little bit scared" because they were hiding in the castle.

The students tested out the spinners on different surfaces that they chose and Mrs.David helped record their discoveries.
The spinners are all very different! The kindergarteners are very unique in their design and are discovering what helps them spin faster/ slower.
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