Sunday, January 12, 2014

Estimating & a Ukulele Concert!

Please remember: If you signed up to volunteer for Scientist in the School, we'd like you to be there around 12:15 so the scientist can tell you what we're doing and set up. Thanks! 

Friday morning, the class learned about acrostic poems and some were very eager to start working on their own:

Some used dictionaries or asked friends for help finding words to describe themselves.

Ms. Alannah brought in her ukulele and some of the children put on a concert for the rest of the class:

In math, we began to talk about estimating, or making good guesses. We guessed how many cubes long G.D's arm was, and after we had made our estimate, G.F. came up to measure.  See if your child can remember if our estimate was close!

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