At centres G.D wrote what she sees, thinks and wonders about our fish |
G.F and M.C worked together to make puppets |
The students listened to an instrument and drew the animal they saw in their head. Ask your student what animal they heard!
Mrs. David continued her discussion with the students about African Heritage Month. We asked the students what they wished or hoped for the world. She read a book about all the different shades people can be but how we are not defined by the colour of our skin.
M. D used watercolour to paint "an underwater machine that helps sick animals", possibly inspired by the show Octonauts!
G.F painted a minnow like the ones that she likes to catch with Grandma.
At the water table A.J and M.D hypothesized that the wide container would hold more water than the tall glass. They tested their hypothesis by pouring water from the full tall glass into the wide container. The container still had room for more water so "it must be bigger". Great work scientists!
B.W brought in an underwater puzzle to share with the class. The students worked as a team to put the puzzle together.
I.V said we "should use the picture on the box to help us" because that's what she does at home.
They were able to find sharks, orcas, jellyfish and whales in the puzzle!

We reviewed our Venn diagram of fish and whales to help us decide which sea creatures are fish and which are mammals. Some animals we weren't sure about, especially those tricky animals that have the word "fish" in their names. We'll be exploring these animals further to find out if they really are fish.
Miles is obsessed with the Octonauts. It's a fantastic show! Great pictures! Such love in the class .-Cheryl
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments! :) We love the students and are happy they are enjoying the learning that is occuring in our classroom.