Today half of the class went to the computer lab while the other half learned about symmetry. The groups will switch next week! Here S.M is helping put a trapezoid on our board so that it is symmetrical to the one on the other side.
The students were very intuitive and knew exactly where the shapes should go. They even corrected Ms.Alannah's mistakes! Everyone had a chance to make their own symmetrical designs. We'll be looking for more symmetry in our classroom!
At centres we saw a lot of excellent learning!
"cold blooded fish" and "warm blooded whales". It's very similar to the venn diagram we made together last week as a class!
M.D practiced "race car reading" by driving his words over letters to sound out a word

At the water table we're using measuring cups to find out which glass holds more water, a wide glass or a tall glass? C.B noticed that some of our containers float.
class quickly discovered equality when we told them our favourite
colour was
green and that any student wearing green could go to a centre.
Anyone not
wearing green, had to stay on the carpet. Quickly we heard
comments like “That
is not fair”, “Why does he get to go to a centre because
he has green on and I
allowed the students with green on to stay at centres for 5 minutes at
point we asked them to clean up and return to the carpet.
a class we discussed our feelings. Many, students said “It was not fair that
everyone did not get to go to centres”. Many students explained that they felt
angry and sad. We used this opportunity as a springboard into the topic of
inequality, fairness and who
Martin Luther King Jr.was.
Mrs. David talked to the students about African Heritage Month and what it means. She read a book about Martin Luther King Jr. and asked the students what their wish is for the world.
Students hoped the world would be a peaceful place and that people would be nicer to one another.
Reading Buddies came in at the end of the day to help the Jks and Sks decorate their Valentine bags with stickers, foam hearts and drawings!
Our class fish are alive and well! They're still babies but they get a bit bigger every week.
Q.G said he "saw their gills". As they grow we'll be able to watch them change colour and swim together.
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