At the block centre R.G and J.M built Elsa's castle.
Students can be seen using books to help them in their play. Here M.D is learning about construction workers. At our dramatic play centre students opened a restaurant and read recipe books. At the art table, they are using arts and craft books to inspire them. We've seen a lot of masks, airplanes, and origami frogs!
A.J and S.M spent quite a bit of time at the art table today, making the letters in their names. Here they made a picture of a seed, a sprout and a flower. We'll have to check outside for some signs of Spring and see if we can find any sprouts!
This afternoon, our ECE student Amena showed the students a slideshow of all the learning they've done together about fish. Students were invited to write about their favourite part about the lessons they did together.
Here are some more amazing creations done at centre time. In case you couldn't tell, we're excited for spring and the return of flowers!
He's not at at the sand!!!!!!
LOL - that's very true! Sand reminders his favourite - but he's been at the blocks and writing table as of late! :)